Career Fair Prep • 9/22@8PM in CAS233
Sunday, Sept 22, 2019 at 6:30 PM

We are holding a Career Fair Prep workshop for all of you who are intersted in or worried about making a great impression at the upcoming career fairs! We will have a brief presentation on the various skills you need to hone, then the remainder of the workshop will be broken into four stations:
- What Not to Wear
- Resume Reviews
- Elevator Pitch Bootcamp
- Researching Your Companies
Kickoff • 9/9@8PM in CAS227
Sunday, Sept 8, 2019 at 12:18 PM

We are going to have our kickoff meeting in CAS227 this year. This is a great opportunity to meet the rest of the beautiful people in UoSTEM@BU and learn more about our goals and philosophy. We are going to go to JP Licks together for ice cream after the meeting! 🍨🌈
The next meeting after this will be Monday, September 23 at 8PM in the Arts Initiative Suite in the GSU.
If you want a sneak peek at our meeting's content, or can't come, you can view our introduction slide deck here.
If you want to see a list of all of our past events, check out our Events page.